Woo-Hoo! Couples may now begin applying for Marriage Incubator!
Registration applications will be accepted through All Saints Day, November 1st. There are 12 spots available in the pilot group that launches this fall. The group meets throughout the entire school year, over both semesters and the January term.
Gatherings: Intended for a weekly basis. 2nd Thursday of the month is reserved for group teaching. Childcare is provided. The three other gatherings are scheduled at your own discretion in the other weeks of the month: date night, small group fellowship, and individual couple time. Childcare will be provided on a designated evening in which couples can plan their date night on.
Cost: The cost per couple to participate in the pilot version is $35.
Schedule: The first gathering will be November 11th and continue on the 2nd Thursday of each month through May 12th. Presence is expected for all these sessions; consider your calendar and commitments when you apply.
Location: On campus!
Childcare: Provided twice monthly, once during the group teaching time and again for couples to schedule their date night on. Yay!
Registration Application:
Available only online HERE through November 1st. All couples will receive notification before November 11th.
Questions? Email: incubator@asburyseminary.edu