Thursday, October 8, 2009

Couple's Connect coming Monday!

boy meets girl.

boy marries girl.
boy then wonders how his beauty turned into a beast.

girl hands boy the mirror for an equally shocking discovery.

The fairytale ending is classic: "and then they lived happily ever after." But there's a few pages missing from all those storybooks...pages that somehow got cut from the fantasy edition...pages that go right before that familiar line.

Now, what could those missing pages contain? Probably the same things we don't tend to share with other people - wounds, fears, fights, mistakes, regrets, roadblocks...drama with the in-laws, having to sleep on the couch, swearing in front of the kids, going to counseling, having the electricity turned off - you get the picture, you live there too. We all live there, in a place called reality.

And this coming Monday night, we'll all be in it together. Three brave couples are sharing parts of their story, precious, treasured, vulnerable parts of their story. They are sharing how God moved in their marriage through what they encountered in life.

Marriage is often a place of revelation. That can be both irritating, joyous & hopeful. We see the side of us that really is a beast, even if this realization comes after we point the finger at our spouse. But, redemption is full of beauty. The Lord wastes nothing and works with the power to transform anything...and He will if we let Him have His way. Here's to facing risk, truth and the relationship we have with God, our spouse and this community.

See you Monday night!
6:30pm Stevens Pike Dining Commons
Seminary Student Center
childcare: 6:15-8:30pm
* B.Y.O.M. (bring your own mug)
* Bring a canned or boxed food for the food pantry

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