Friday, February 12, 2010


I've been missing my Fusion group something fierce.  The last time we met (pre-holidays), we noshed on Addictive Sweet Potato Burritos and talked about our hopes and fears for the upcoming dance-of-the-in-laws that is Christmas and New Year's.  We wrote them on an index card and sealed them in an envelope, to be opened in January or Feb - whenever we next met.  I can't remember who kept them, but it will be interesting to see.. 1) what I wrote (crazy how something so high drama and frought with peril as Christmas-with-the-family fizzles by Valentine's Day), and 2) how the Lord met us over the holidays. 
Can't wait to see my friends.

Monday Feb. 15
Fusion Gathering*
Cordelia A/B on campus
Childcare provided
*each group brings food and comments to share

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Alpha Marriage!

Pour into your marriage now
and get ready to give the 'ole bedsprings a workout

Alpha Marriage has 10 date nights planned so that you & your spouse can share some quality time together, pouring into your marriage. This tight-knit small group will journey together through challenging, relevant topics that give you the opportunity to develop truth and skills no matter what stage of marriage you are in.

Here's some things that we're all about at Alpha Marriage
(now in our 7th season!):

Enjoy romantic desserts

listen and discover your spouse again

build deep support networks with other couples

get professional pictures taken

learn how to fight fair

balance your budget

forgive one another

send your kids to childcare

share your marriage story

build memories together

make food to share

honor the family tree

pray intimately together

We'll be meeting at WGM (World Gospel Mission) located across the street from Asbury College & the Luce Center ( College St.) from 6:30-9:00pm on Thursday nights. Would love for you to join us!

The Schedule! (Commitment is 10 weeks)
February 25 - Strong Foundations
Mar. 4 - Communication
March 11 - Resolving Conflict
March 18 - Forgiveness
March 25 - Finances
April 8 - Intimacy
April 15 - In-laws
April 22 - Parenting
April 29 - Building a Home
May 6 - Marriage & Ministry

Cost: $25 per couple (due 1st night) - includes ALL materials, resources, childcare, and take-homes. (checks made out to Asbury Seminary)
Childcare: 6:15-9:15 pm in the Student Center Deep End (free but you must register kids)

Register! Sign up HERE or at the left column under "Registrations." ENDS FEBRUARY 19th!

Email me at OR if you have further questions.