Friday, February 12, 2010


I've been missing my Fusion group something fierce.  The last time we met (pre-holidays), we noshed on Addictive Sweet Potato Burritos and talked about our hopes and fears for the upcoming dance-of-the-in-laws that is Christmas and New Year's.  We wrote them on an index card and sealed them in an envelope, to be opened in January or Feb - whenever we next met.  I can't remember who kept them, but it will be interesting to see.. 1) what I wrote (crazy how something so high drama and frought with peril as Christmas-with-the-family fizzles by Valentine's Day), and 2) how the Lord met us over the holidays. 
Can't wait to see my friends.

Monday Feb. 15
Fusion Gathering*
Cordelia A/B on campus
Childcare provided
*each group brings food and comments to share

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